It was a delight recently to host
HopeDance magazine’s 10th anniversary party here at Dancing Deer. It was the first sizeable gathering that we’ve held here and -- aside from a little bit of interference from the weather -- everything went off without a hitch.
We love Bob and company from
HopeDance, so i

t was super to play such an integral part in the festivities. Ten years is an amazing accomplishment and we wish them many more! It was also great to see Dancing Deer gussied up for her first shindig and coming through with such flying colors.
On paper we knew that a gathering should be no problem, but it was ultra good to discover that we were right and that we had ample room for all activities planned, even whe

n the skies broke and the rain came and we were forced to retreat indoors. It wasn’t even a hardship to spend most of the evening inside, with groups gathered in the kitchen (don’t the best parties always have clumps of people in the kitchen?), while others danced in the great hall or chatted at various locations throughout the main house.

It’s gratifying to know we can easily accommodate a gathering. As things stand now, Dancing Deer will from time to time happily host your small non-profit group for daytime activities.
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